Treaties, Inter-Governmental Organizations and Related Bodies

The following list of treaties, inter-governmental organizations, and related bodies have a stake in the future of the Amazon. How can they be enrolled in a systematic process of public-private partnership development?

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
Andean Community
Associacion Latinoamericano de Itegracion (ALADI)
CAF Development Bank of Latin American
Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE)
Coalition of Rainforest Nations
Collaborative Partnership on Forests
Convention on Biological Diversity
Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Forum for the Progress and Development of South America
Global Environment Facility
Green Climate Fund
Green Finance for Latin America and the Caribbean
Ibero-American General Secretariat
ICLEI Latin America
Indigenous Peoples Major Group
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Inter-American Development Bank
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
International Fund for Agriculural Development
International Policy Center for Inclusive Growth
International Tropical Timber Organization
Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE)
Leticia Pact
New York Declaration on Forests
Organization of Ibero-American States
Organization of American States
Pan American Development Foundation
Pan American Health Organization
Paris Agreement
Rio Branco Declaration
UN Economic Commission for Latin America
UN Environment Programme
UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
UN Forum on Forests 
UN Industrial Development Organization
UN Information Portal on Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Union of South American Nations
World Bank