Summit Registration

You are registering for Amazonia Rising, the 2nd Global Summit on Investing in the Amazon. We will convene November 28 – December 9, 2022 as an virtual action Summit uniting philanthropists, investors, companies, indigenous leaders, and allies to flip the economic script on Amazon deforestation.  10 days of programming. 40+ sessions. Review summit agenda here.


Please indicate which sessions you’d like to attend. Plenaries are open to all relevant stakeholders from around the world (including responsible consumers). Other sessions have limited space, and unless you’ve specifically been invited, access is not guaranteed.  Which sessions would you like to join? 

Priority is given to Amazonians and potential investors, philanthropists, grantmakers, corporate buyers, and similar allies.  You will receive confirmation of access to your selected sessions a few days after you register.

A detailed description of all sessions is available here.

Note: The times presented are ET, Eastern Time (US).  BRT, Brasilia time, will be 2 hours later.  So, 12pm ET will be 2pm BRT.

5. Limited demand for Amazonian products from corporate buyers

  • Too few long-term purchase contracts that help producers and entrepreneurs to access finance for impact business.
  • Delayed returns due to delayed profitability of restoration and agroforestry.
  • Limited research and awareness of the cornucopia of commercially viable Amazonian biodiversity.
  • Lack of price stability and transparency.

4. Limited connectivity between global investors and regional opportunities

  • International private sector investors lack access to high-potential deal flow from the Amazon.
  • Amazon entrepreneurs lack experience with investor communications.
  • Lack of trust and connective tissue between global investors and Amazon entrepreneurs / producers.
  • Inefficient matchmaking systems between Amazon incubator/accelerator portfolios, angel investor appetite, and ecosystem  requirements.

3. Insufficient risk capital and catalytic philanthropy

  • Limited philanthropy and matching political will to combat illegal deforestation by enforcing the rule of law.
  • Insufficient catalytic capital to derisk private investment and make early projects bankable.
  • Incomplete project  development funding to scale carbon finance systems from local levels to jurisdictions.
  • Lack of community wealth reciprocity to ensure that investments foster local  prosperity while reducing  inequality and thwarting  deforestation incentives.

2. Lack of market data and coordination

  • Poor market data  transparency for investors and offtakers  (projects, products, prices, historicals).
  • Global finance players lack understanding of regional context, opportunities, and risk mitigation.
  • Knowledge silos across countries.
  • Limited peer-to-peer learning across the capital stack.


  • Weakened investment-ready impact business pipeline and underdeveloped innovation ecosystem.
  • Local companies are far from markets and limited by logistical and transportation challenges.
  • Weak regulatory environment, insecure land rights, poor law enforcement, risks to the rule of law.
  • Systemic barriers for female producers and entrepreneurs.